After a delicious lunch we headed out at 16:00 for our first real drive and I have to say it was something of a disappointment – wide open plains, devoid of activity – a stark comparison to Amboseli.
Firstly we saw a lioness with a tracking collar and three cubs, all perfectly camouflaged in the long grass.
This cub was just adorable.
After drinking they all then bounded over the small stream, shame I couldn't be head or side on for the shot as this was the best I got.
Then they met up with another two females and one went off hunting but after a while came back empty handed - it was amazing to see the consoling behaviour of the others, one by one they all came up to her and almost give her a cuddle. Joseph said this was common amongst lions – their version of “better luck next time”.
This lioness was still watching out for a possible target whilst the cub helpfully chewed her tail!
After that it was mostly birds except for a couple of elephant. We know you can't just conjure up the wildlife but compared to the profusion we'd seen the last 2 days it really is rather disappointing and we are left wondering why we only had 2 days at Amboseli yet 4 here.
Just a hint of a rainbow
The threatened rain didn't arrive so we enjoyed our first Lewa sundowner with the lovely Joseph who is a Gold graded guide (very few have the ability to reach this level because as well as a lot of hard work and study, it's also rather expensive to sit the exams).
Over dinner we
spoke to some Canadians who had been at Tortilis on our first day (Ian
recognised them) and they also felt there was a lack of game here. Maybe
tomorrow will be better.