We were out very early once again and I'm so glad as the sunrise was beautiful.
Warthogs are very funny creatures, when you stop the truck they just stand and stare defiantly.
But as soon as the engine is turned off, they turn tails and run as fast as their little legs will take them, tails held high in the air.
Charles took us to a spot near a stream where 2 x two week old lion cubs are hidden in the bushes on the opposite bank. At this young age they are prey for just about anything so the mother must find a safe place for them whilst she is out hunting for food.
After a while she went walking off and Charles was convinced she was looking for a new hiding place as being so close to the stream they were in great danger of drowning. Despite following her for a while in the end she just went back to the cubs.
Whilst the sunrise had been promising, I'm finding the lighting a little flat here, compared with Lewa and it's not doing my photos any favours.
It was also quite cold as you can probably gather from our breakfast stop.
It was also quite cold as you can probably gather from our breakfast stop.
This made me laugh (I have a whole series of stretches)
The female is the most interested in hunting and Charles says that's because she doesn't get her fair share of their joint kills and before long she started to track something but we were unable to follow and by the time we got around the thicket they were all merrily tucking in.
It turned out to be just a small snack - baby Impala - once again she walked away and left her brothers to finish the meal.
I don't know which two this is but they did a mutual grooming session.
Then they all went to cross the small stream, despite Charles priming me for the jumps, I still managed to mess up my shots - either too early or too late :(
Hippos, although if I'm honest having been in the Hippo Hide at Kaingo Zambia it would take an awful lot to impress me now, hippo wise!