Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Serian - Day 4 PM

I've realised I haven't posted any photos of the common areas at Serian, which really are quite lovely.

Indoor sitting and dining areas which has a lovely log fire in the evenings.

Deck area

View across the Mara River.

The very lovely Sammy.

Roisin and 9 mo Charlotte who is quite cute and obviously used to new faces.  I'm not sure I'd like to have a little one here given the sheer number of flies etc but she seems to come to no harm.

She certainly enjoyed playing "Hunt the Wine Bottle" with Ian.

Back out this afternoon and the male lions were in their favourite position - horizontal.

 We thought this one might get up.

But he didn't!!!

So we left them to their slumbers and went to find the females .................. also sleeping.

We did find the lionesses with cubs but the light had faded so these pictures aren't really usable - shame as there are some lovely shots.

The experts always say when the noise level is unacceptable - do something creative!