Thursday, 1 February 2018

Kicheche - Day 3 AM

This morning we fought off FOMO (fear of missing out) and decided to have a slight lie in, only an hour, but we needed to recharge a bit.  Unfortunately the message didn't get passed to our Water Boy so he still turned up at 05:30.

Never mind the water was still warm enough at 06:30 for a quick splash.

As always there are plenty of Helmeted Guinea Fowl around, running from side to side and resolutely refusing to fly.

We went back to check on the two week old cubs and they were still hidden by the stream - snap photo only.

Then off to find the cheetahs who were yet again still sitting around but clearly on the lookout for some potential food.  So a selection of cheetah doing not a lot and always with a annoying grasses/branches in the way.

The cheetahs headed off and although we tried to follow them, we weren't able to go into the gulleys and so went the long way round.  

I don't think we missed much and we caught up with them having a grooming session.

Fortunately the conservancy is so large we rarely see other trucks around and it's quite unusual for giraffe to allow one to get so close.

I never get tired of seeing the wonderful animals, or trying to take their pictures, but it is becoming a little repetitive photography wise as I haven't been able to look closely at what I've already taken to know if I'm on the right track - I could be completely wasting my new lens and time.  Also from the confines of a truck it is difficult to get anything different from a "record" shot identifying the animal.

I don't think I've posted many pictures of Impala, they tend to get dismissed as there are so many around, but they are magnificent animals.

I do love zebra.

Charles was fortunate enough to have been given a good camera and lens by one of the many returning photographers so he is as keen as I am to take pictures.  I couldn't afford to be quite so generous but as he only had one battery for his camera I was very pleased to give him one of mine.  We had a play around with Zebra and ICM - still not doing it for me!